06 March 2008

A brief introduction to my blog

"Grey complex, piercing azure sky" is about memory just beyond the reach of grasp. On some levels, it is about transcendence of common sense over political correctness, and prevailing over what the mass media (Cable news, MTV, internet, newspapers) leads people to think is popular opinion.

Who am I? I am a part of the coveted 18-35 demographic. I am a member of “generation x” who has survived “angst crises” of self-actualization and coyly describe myself as a “rugged individualist,” and “suburban administrative warrior.” My primary “pop influences” include the 80s, Ronald Reagan, and Mark Twain.

I am concerned with the growth of political correctness in the United States and use my blog as an outlet for occasional creative expression, mainly in order to share items that I have found sardonic or provide the benefit of reminding us to occasionally question our own perspectives.

The influences of pop culture intrigue us but also are becoming the source of some visceral frustration, oddly enough. We who believe that "all the news that is fit to print" does not necessarily involve Hollywood socialites -- nor tearing down America's modesty -- share a common bond. I believe somehow that our collective subconcious resists such modern iconoclasm and longs for Andy Griffith.

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