04 May 2010

Colossal immigration catch 22s in post-modern America finally coming to light

What part of invasion do we not understand?  Madness being propagated by the MSM and democratic anti-Americans this week as Shamnesty II: National Suicide Boogaloo ramps up for a volley.

You really need to see this video if you can find it:  A group of a dozen or so illegals running through the actual vehicle checkpoint at the San Diego/Tijuana border, weaving their way around cars, suitcases and clothes in hand.  The brazenness in this instance was particularly appalling, entering in broad daylight, at an official security checkpoint.  It's nowhere near as bad as the miles of trash left behind in the desert, or anything like this anecdote suggests:

"Throughout the 1980's and early 90's the 14-mile stretch of border in San Diego was hostile, violent, and out of control," wrote Glynn Custred, an emeritus professor of anthropology at CSU East Bay. "Crowds would gather on the Tijuana side and pelt border-patrol agents with rocks ...almost daily thousands of Mexicans would gather on the U.S. side, then dash forward en masse in what were known as banzai runs."- Louis Freedberg
The deluge of immigration headlines in the past several days since Gov. Brewer (AZ) signed a new immigration enforcement bill makes the lines in the sand very visible separating people of reason, who believe in sovereignty and law, and the irrational crowd who trumps reason with the magic race card.  I can't buy the argument against sovereignty - all arguments should cease much earlier than getting to that point.  Some legal immigration is needed.  However, unchecked immigration levels are unsustainable, meaning this:  Look at America as a lifeboat.  You have room for 50 people, 50 more are in the drink.  What do you do?  Instead of availing themselves to logic or even listening, opponents make absurd claims that without the illegals, oranges will cost $500 a bushel.  Nonsense. The welfare state plays a large role in this, and our abundance of convenience, and our overflowing self-love all contribute to this idea.  When there is work to be had, people will work.  Competition for work is still a non sequitur, but the old ways of going to work in whatever was available do seem to be lost on us. 

It is passing strange for federal officials, including the president, to accuse Arizona of irresponsibility while the federal government is refusing to fulfill its responsibility to control the nation's borders. Such control is an essential attribute of national sovereignty. - George Will
"Ask any American of every ethnicity how often they are asked for picture ID. The answer is it happens on a daily basis- checking into hotels, using credit cards, at job interviews. We should be used to this by now. The only place we don’t have to be documented is at the voting booth. If voters had to prove their eligibility the Democrats would lose their base and their power. Once again the Democrats are displaying the Pavlovian response of injecting race into issues that should be looked at instead with common sense." - Alicia Colon

Enforcement: why not?  The impetus for the Arizona law stems from the federal government not protecting the border, while border states are left to absorb the billions of dollars in costs from those with no interest but self-interest. 

"As the rhetoric on illegal immigration continues to grow out of control, it’s more important than ever to share the facts on Arizona’s new law. The reality is that Arizona’s new law mirrors federal law, which the federal government is not enforcing. George Will put it in perspective; the federal government's refusal to control the border is what has caused this problem in the first place."
- Gov. Jan Brewer, Arizona
Encouragingly, several states are following suit even though the sewer pipe of misinformation flowing from the MSM posits that enforcing standing laws is not in America's best interest.

"You would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see that the grand plan of the Democrats is to entrap illegal immigrants by giving them legal status and then enslave and destroy them with numerous Fedzilla handouts and programs."   - Ted Nugent

The president himself recently used the race card, rallying African-Americans, Latinos, and women to help elect Demoncats in the Congressional elections this year.  This is the same great uniter that denounces the Arizona law, and whose biggest accomplishment will be to upend every stone looking to legally circumvent Congress and ignore the will of the American people in health care reform efforts.


The best news so far is that the Arizona law will influence illegals to depart Arizona, and states are building steam in crafting their own self-preservation doctrine, encouraged by the brave people of Arizona who weren't afraid to adopt common sense.  "Oklahoma, Ohio, Utah, Georgia, Colorado, Maryland, North Carolina, Texas, Nebraska, and Missouri have all taken up measures similar to that of Arizona." (Ibid.) It is utterly clear that no state wanted to be first in doing this, otherwise we would have seen a lot more Prop 187s.  Additionally, a courageous new bill is working its way up the chain in Arizona, which seeks to deny public funding to schools teaching ethnic studies - "The new bill would make it illegal for a school district to teach any courses that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, promote resentment of a particular race or class of people, are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group or 'advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals'."  I have said often before that more than ever, this country suffers from a lack of national unity, promoting diversity at every turn - the Tower of Babel, a nation divided against itself. 

The current political environment is so blanched by the death of common sense in America, we find it easier to make millions of tiny, relatively anonymous pinpricks at our foundations than to make a concerted protest against the forces that threaten them.

For further reading:

1. http://californiawatch.org/watchblog/arizona-immigration-law-has-roots-california-border-turmoil - 80s border issues - Prop. 187
2. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/04/28/national/a150736D30.DTL - Brewer on so-called profiling concerns
3. http://www.helium.com/items/1819327-illegal-immigrants-plan-to-leave-arizona-over-new-immigration-law - Initial successful impacts of the Arizona bill
4. http://bigjournalism.com/aliciacolon/2010/04/29/from-one-hispanic-to-others-re-arizona-youre-being-had-by-the-media/#comments - A journalist calls out the democratic party's strategy to foment hatred of the US law among illegals
5. http://janbrewer.com/email/email.php?ID=51 - Arizona's new law mirrors federal law, which the gov't does not enforce
6. http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/opinions/articles/2010/04/28/20100428will29.html - Veteran journalist George Will on the law
7. http://townhall.com/columnists/JohnHawkins/2008/10/03/the_death_of_common_sense_in_america - One attempt seeking to explain how we forgot where we came from
8. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/04/30/arizona-legislature-passes-banning-ethnic-studies-programs/ - Ethnic chauvinism and diversity indoc.

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