19 May 2010

Gary Busey, you're the best we've got

How many celebrities can you say are actually interesting?

My happy thought today:  Dude seems batshiate CRAZY, but that's why he's so awesome!  He's the friend everyone would secretly like to have, but won't.  Maybe. 

How we arrived here:  There was a story out of San Diego about a retired NASCAR driver who was chased by police at speeds of over 130 m.p.h., until his engine blew up, which incidentally sort of happened in an episode of Miami Vice.  Perp looked like Gary Busey.  I then commenced an exhaustive hunt for pics and stories of his escapades at the Oscars.  Run of the mill actors are boring.  Not Busey: He is often pictured in Hawaiian shirts.  (Sarcasm font needed here)  "OMG," you have no idea.  With your personality, you can either pull off the shirt or you can't.  Gary definitely can and does. 

Know him.  Love him.  He starred in some of the greatest movies of our age, including Lethal Weapon, Predator 2, Point Break, and Under Siege.  I ended up finding the definitive compliation of clips (see below, end) and a conclusion:  We all need a little more Busey in our lives.  I hope we see Gary Busey in many, many more movies and online clips.  I hope we all embrace the crazy a little more. 

He's unique in that he doesn't need to rely on a PR staff to create notoriety. The unorthodox Hunter Thompson approach he takes in his interviews are completely unpredictable and spontaneous; on the other extreme, you may see him in a video telling some interviewers that they need to set up the shot perfectly - several times - to a ridiculous extreme that prompts you to question whether he does this on purpose to show a kind of subtle(?) mastery over the situation.  Come to think of it,  I have never seen him lose the initiative.  He always seems to be in complete control, but leaving quite a bit of doubt with the videographers and others he encounters. 

In Predator 2 behind the scenes, starting with an what sounds like it's going to be an English 301 summary of 'reversal', he explains the reason he's wearing his tactical gear with quantum theory and preventing everyone from turning into fine pink mist.

I'm also a fan of his convenient use of acronyms, e.g. BIBLE: "Basic instructions before leaving Earth." SOBER: "Son of a b****, everything's real."  What a saga, what a character.  Spice of life. 

(Check the interview with the Swedes.) 

Gary Busey - the best celebrity!

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