26 July 2010

Charges dropped against Steven Seagal

On the heels of the news that the harrassment extortion suit against him was dropped, Steven Seagal will debut in a new show. The same jour-nihilists that ran with the story of indictment should now be proclaiming Seagal's innocence from the rooftops. But - social irresponsibility and the media go hand in hand, and we can only hope that as the media rolls around in dirt, the public will question and interrogate the motives instead of blindly believing.

Bonus: Quote of the day

"Steven Seagal goes through more phases than Barbie. So far, we've seen Mafioso Seagal, Reggae Musician Seagal, Environmental Activist Seagal, Gangsta Seagal, Asian Seagal, Jimmy Buffet Seagal, and Southern Lawman Seagal. It looks like his Southern phase is going to extend just a bit longer, with the news that Seagal will topline the TV crime procedural 'Southern Justice'."

- Wookie Johnson, Screen Junkies.

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