30 July 2010

Note from a friend: call your loved ones!

How is your emergency preparedness?  Are you right with God?  Do you have a call card in your wallet?  

Any loose ends with people you care about?  I know I have some. 

The following letter came in from my friend, and having deleted the personal info, I'm posting part of it here so that some good may come of it. 
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers after my wife's accident.
There is no earthly reason she survived that wreck. And she has no permanent injuries.
She was t boned in an intersection at the end of our street, rolled over three or four times. She was hit about 45-50 miles per hour, the other driver didn't leave any skid marks.

The paramedic told me she was trapped in the car for about 10 minutes before they could cut her out and remove her through the sunroof of her Ford Escape. Thank God for Henry Ford and building safe vehicles. If it were not for fuel cut off, she would have been in a pool of gasoline. The area between the wheels where the other car hit was pushed in about 12-18 inches. The salvage yard man told me he expected to be putting up coroners' tape.

Instead, she is home after a four day hospital stay with a bad concussion and a lot of pain meds. She is expected to be able to return to work in about twelve weeks. I was at work when I got the phone call. The passage from man to little girl is pretty quick. The voice on the other end of the phone was kind to quickly ID himself and let me know she was alive and on their way to the hospital. Within a few hours, I knew she would be ok.  So do me a favor and give your wife a hug and your kids a call.

A breath can cause your downfall.

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