03 August 2010

Editing in progress

I've been looking through some recent posts lately.  What I recognized was:  Even though my field of view is mainly du jour, I don't want that to be reflected in heavy-handed or crass content.  Every day, my inbox fills to the brim with socio-/political news from one bitter outlet after another, but as the great philosophers rendered in their works, "Balance in all things," is key.  I don't bring up politics at the dinner table nor usually with friends, but I have been here, frequently. 

I have been trying to get away from politics to focus on spontaneous thoughts and interests, which means a more careful tone and neutral ground.  Politics in this country are increasingly hostile; the media tends to fall to partisan sway, even though this is not at the core of the ideals of non-editorial journalism.  It would be interesting to identify points on the 20th Century timeline to observe its changes.  (E.g. pre- and post- Fairness Doctrine, etc.) Often times, politics here are on the full conservative tilt and after a second or third read, I come away even alienating myself.  I'm a pretty fair and neutral listener; and I want politics here to be expressed in the same way.  (And concisely.)  As the social scientist & inventor Roger Von Oech once conveyed, a good source of motivation is the desire not to sign your name to crud.  I don't get paid to scrub my posts carefully,  but I owe it to readers to at least be more careful in my tone and redacting.

Even though my yin side finds so much appeal in subtext and subtlety, mastering mutual communication is one of the unspoken themes here and I've been only been going halfway; the super-ego has been out of the building and I haven't been double-checking to see if I've been at least non-offensive, for that matter.

Please accept my regrets if I've come off brashly lately.

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