30 November 2010

Article: "Cantor Urges 'Open Mind' On VA Legislature Plan To Blow Up The Constitution"

Veddy interesting.  States' rights.  Arizona.  In a word, nullification. 

Obviously the elephant in the room is this being a logical and quite significant response to Obamacare. (Related article: 'Virginia fires first shot at Obamacare's legality' [LINK]) 

As you will recall, the tense months leading through to the passage of Obamacare were rife with the lowest form of politicking (e.g. 'The Louisiana Purchase' and several other shocking, naked political transactions took place to assure a vote en pro).  What we would get in return is dubious at best:  a lot of bureaucracy and little choice.  Even if we are hopelessly polarized due to two decades of strangling our norms, "Rammin' it through" does not leave the impression of honorable or effective statecraft. 

The article: (LINK)

"Washington has grown far too large and has become far too intrusive, reaching into nearly every aspect of our lives. In just the past few years, Washington has assumed more control over our economy and the private sector through excessive regulations and unprecedented mandates. Our liberty and freedom has lessened as the size and scope of the federal government has exploded. Massive expenditures like the stimulus, unconstitutional mandates like the takeover of health care, and intrusions into the private sector like the auto-bailouts have threatened the very core of the American free market. It's time to return America to the common sense conservative principles of limited government, free enterprise, and individual responsibility. The Repeal Amendment would provide a check on the ever-expanding federal government, protect against Congressional overreach, and get the government working for the people again, not the other way around. In order to return America to opportunity, responsibility, and success, we must reverse course and the Repeal Amendment is a step in that direction." - Eric Cantor

A friend used to say, "The government takes 28% of my paycheck, so I should only have to work 72% of the time."

Find some additional reading, draw a 2 axis grid and try to plot out some intended/unintended costs and benefits - it boggles the mind.  Just don't let a liberal professor do it for you.

Additional reading:
1. A Physician on Obamacare: http://www.basilandspice.com/healthcare-issues/112010-obamacare-its-all-about-control.html
2. 'The Louisiana Purchase': http://scaredmonkeys.com/2009/11/22/the-new-300-million-louisiana-purchase-on-the-backs-of-tax-payers-how-senator-mary-landrieu-d-la-vote-was-bought-for-obamacare/
3. Rep. Smith on WH suit against AZ:  http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=38221

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