11 April 2011

QOTD: "Politically correct lockjaw"

   If John McCain had asked the same questions that Donald Trump now asks, he'd be President. But McCain got political correct lockjaw on the so called 'debates' and he was afraid he would be called a racist. His handlers seemed to be working for Obama, McCain did a disservice to the American People and we got someone that to this day we don't know who he is, where he's been, what he believes, if he's a Moslem and all the other questions about the communists in his background and now he's ruining the country most think on purpose. Trump would have asked the questions and would have been President, John McCain did a huge disservice to this country.

- From an article: "Trump rides birth certificate issue," Washington Times, 10 April 2011.  http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/apr/10/trump-rides-issue-of-presidents-birth/

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