14 September 2011

Article: "College may be dangerous for men"

In an aptly titled column "College may be dangerous for men," the September 14, 2011 Phyllis Schlafly report nails the mark on this "We must repudiate men" dogma. 
The feminist apparatus is constantly grinding out phony statistics about sexual assault and harassment, accusations that men are naturally batterers, and that women never lie or make errors in sexual allegations. The feminists are unrepentant about the way they and the prosecutors (toadying to the feminists) accepted and publicized lies that destroyed the reputations of the Duke Lacrosse men and of Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
Now, even more than before, colleges push this propaganda - not sure why the federales have to press it in to the universities, like thumbs in so much clay. I'll never forget when one of my best friends was hauled away, thrown in jail for fitting a very vague DESCRIPTION of an assailant. Name pushed through the press, legal fees, and no apology or significant change in status, just that he was no longer a primary suspect of interest - or whatever the bureau-cowardspeak is that says one thing, but not totally, as to leave inroads open later if they want to change their mind.

I wish I could send this article to my friend, to hopefully help him feel a bit vindicated, but the potential cost is too great; that I might resurrect damaging feelings of his undeserved public humiliation.

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