03 December 2012

Eye on economic policy - the Wal-Mart effect not a function of Republicanism

Is it a contradiction that I strongly dislike Wal-Mart and the long-legged mack daddy?

I don't like the Democratic lie with legs - that the Wal-Mart effect is a result of Republicans. Dems, in all their smugness, perpetuate this and pass the buck, when they create the conditions (such as overregulation) that keep Wal-Mart steamrolling small towns.  The fact is: Dems regularly constitute the majority tipping the balance of power in government.  Dems "Double down on fail" as one friend put it in deincentivizing competition and folly such as pandering to unions, whom believe the line employee, armed with Obamacare, is further entitled to big, big bucks.  Of course the idea of a "living wage" is great in theory, but the days of mutually repaid loyalty to company and employee are long gone - and the wage field should reflect differences between levels of responsibility.  Paying an entry-level position $20 cannot muster greater quality in service nor product.  For further fail and mismanaged governing, refer to the auto bailout. 

A recap of economic stances, credit Socastee.com:

•Republicans Believe that the free enterprise system is the most effective engine of economic progress.

Democrats Believe that government regulation and federal control of economic activity can better distribute wealth and services to the American people.

•Republicans Believe high taxes, runaway government spending, and over-regulation of business and farming punish initiative and stifle economic growth.

Democrats Believe penalizing achievement with higher taxes and increased government bureaucracy and spending will not stifle economic growth but instead guarantee prosperity for everyone.
Source: http://www.socastee.com/politics/rep_dem_diff.html

More reading: "Regulation, The Democrats, and The Parallel Universe"      "A report from the World Economic Forum offers some insight into the reasons for it and highlights the Administration’s shortcomings: the erosion of transparency in government, wasteful spending, burdensome regulation, and waning trust in the integrity of the public sector."

Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/henrymiller/2012/09/26/regulation-the-democrats-and-the-parallel-universe/

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