30 January 2011

Becarac/'ganga' conquers the space

Given my musical tastes, what you're about to see will probably seems quite off-kilter; I caught this clip of a Bosnian becarac on a learning channel, also called a "polyphonic ganga" it's a song (of lament?) with a mesmerizing dissonant quality --- its appeal to me is in that it is used to communicate folklore, it is rooted in the traditions of the people, it is passionate, impromptu and authentic. It made me also think about the younger, teenage 'critical me' that would point and laugh at this sort of thing and not open myself enough to find beauty in uniqueness. Glad that's long gone.

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(At 11:45) “Ganga” a genre sung outdoors in groups, reflects the culture of the Bosnian highlander community. “Conquering the space with your voice - characterized by very close harmony, and they somehow acoustically clash, which enables the sound to travel further. ...It’s absolutely astonishing.”


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