21 July 2011


"Be as good as your dog thinks you are."
~From a sign outside a church here in Mudville, U.S.A.

"If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you’re not racist, you’ll have to find someone else to vote for in 2012 to prove you’re not an idiot."    ~Unk.

"Babel, Inc.:  We live in the era of the great divider, not the great uniter.  People letting themselves identify strictly inside party lines must be insane at the wheel, and our country's brakes have been cut.  Democrats fancy themselves intellectual giants using big-kid words like 'jingoists' to describe people that love the United States. If you hate the United States, the Democrats love you, but not as much as they love themselves. Republicans dislike the Democrats, which makes sense because the Democrats have turned hypocrisy into an art form. Other than that, they don't dislike much else, because they are in want of a position.  The Independents?  They just have a strong dislike for the political plutocracy." ~Cagey

"Without a common moral code and Christian heritage, our nation will splinter into Balkanized factions. There would be no social glue to hold us together any longer. Since the 1960s, America’s cultural disintegration has accelerated. We have become more secular, more perverse and ultimately, more decadent."  
"The modern left understands one fundamental reality: Destroying Christianity destroys the culture and civilization it spawned. They are inextricably linked. This is why socialists, such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Saul Alinsky and George Soros, have championed militant anti-Christianity, free love, contraception and abortion. Smash the family and traditional morality and the economic system they gave birth to - capitalism - will fall."   ~Jeffrey Kuhner 

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