11 October 2011

Protest malaise strikes Mudville

(Click to embiggen)
   What a cartoon!  This diagram has a large amount of truth to it, from everything I'm hearing.  Interesting, but only modestly so in the past few weeks.  We have political malaise - don't know what the protests are angry about except Wall St.  Are they mad about the mass bailouts?  Not really.  Are they mad about the government spending us into oblivion?  Not particularly.  They don't appear to have a cause.  They're loud.  If they're against The Fed, they have my attention.  One skinny-jeans hipster did unspeakable things to a police car.  I saw a poster in downtown Awfulk protesting something, but nobody seemed to care. 

   Keep in mind these questions:  Are the protestors being manipulated?  What are their motives?  Why are the liberals praising them, but lambasting the Tea Party, who's driving force was the most earnest desire to unfudge [expletive redacted] the hemorrhaging economy?

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